Dice of Destiny

Analysis of your draw

Fortune has spoken through 1, 1 and 6
Each dice evokes an atmosphere, an event, or a state of mind, and each one is referring to an aspect of your life and focusing on the questions you are asking. The answer is in the roll of the dice itself and will be described in the conclusion.

This is therefore a picture of your current situation, dice by dice , and an answer to your questions in the final conclusion, forming an interpretation based on your roll of the dice

Your 3 dice , your destiny

Meaning of the doublet of the dice 1

No. 1 represents determination, action, effectiveness and individuality, plus occasionally solitude. It reflects a new start, an opportunity to be seized, or a run of good luck with unexpected elements.

It is also a number which indicates that you need to rely on yourself to achieve your goals. No. 1 invites you to put the past completely behind you and turn resolutely towards the future.

In a roll of the dice for those in love, it represents the masculine figure, the lover, a person in love or spouse … But, when combined with a negative figure, it can be an omen of imminent danger or a formidable enemy. It also represents the interaction of individual wills.

No. 1 is all about quickness of action and the predictions involved in this number take place very rapidly, owing to the strength of will of the person throwing the dice.

Positive points:

strength and will to assert yourself

Negative points:

tendency to be a dictator

Meaning of the dice 6

No. 6 is about love, harmony, inner tranquillity, peaceful relationships and serenity. It reflects moments of perfect happiness with your other half, within a group or your family. It can lead to birth, marriage or the desire to have children. This is the number of tenderness above all others, with loving exchanges and closeness.

On the negative side, no.6 can bring family troubles, sorrow, disappointment, low self-esteem or painful betrayals. No. 6 is also associated with concerns going back to childhood and problems with loneliness.

The emotions prevail over all other considerations under this influence and provide the momentum in other areas.

This figure encourages you to ask for help and not withdraw into yourself. Its predictions are valid for a short time and will take place in several stages.

Positive points:

Emotional intelligence

Negative points:

Risk of emotional dependency

Be open to change!

Here, it’s a question of changes in your living environment or your everyday habits. Whether to do with moving house, an unexpected journey, buying property or having work done at home, your environment or way of life is going to change. There could even be a change in your working hours. Whatever the case, the pace of your life will change and you will need to adapt and roll up your sleeves, but it will all be very positive.

For those who are single, this could herald the onset of communal living. For couples, a closer relationship will be strengthened around new projects, reinforcing your togetherness and enabling you to benefit more specifically from your complementary natures.

At work, you will be asked to do training or fit in with a new organisation, which will ultimately be very beneficial for your personal equilibrium! Above all, don’t shut yourself off, but make the most of the situation to devote your energies to the changes in progress and focus on your dealings with others. Feelings of personal inadequacy can limit the effectiveness of your actions, so be pragmatic, especially where your abilities are concerned. Working collectively will be essential to the long-term progress of your career. Bringing your talents together in a common project with others would be the best thing to do over the coming weeks.

Don’t put all your energy into planning, without leaving room for other people’s dreams regarding its implementation. Deeply repressed doubts within you could have consequences. Putting things into action is the only thing that can truly satisfy you and enable you to stop doubting yourself.

If you are thinking of someone in particular, you are dealing with a dynamic, sincere, loyal and faithful person, who could play a role in your life over the next few months, or even the next few years. You can trust him/her with your eyes closed! If you make an effort at conciliation and remain yourself, faithful to your values, you will be able to improve your relationship completely with this person.

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