Dice of Destiny

Analysis of your draw

Fortune has spoken through 2, 2 and 6
Each dice evokes an atmosphere, an event, or a state of mind, and each one is referring to an aspect of your life and focusing on the questions you are asking. The answer is in the roll of the dice itself and will be described in the conclusion.

This is therefore a picture of your current situation, dice by dice , and an answer to your questions in the final conclusion, forming an interpretation based on your roll of the dice

Your 3 dice , your destiny

Meaning of the doublet of the dice 2

More than anything else, no. 2 represents the couple, partnership, gentleness, children and your other half! It reflects continuity and hope, but also the outcome of actions taken.

It sometimes demands effort, but always expresses help from others in sorting things out, a peaceful trend, and in some cases, an improvement in relations with others. As you are not really capable of standing back without getting involved, you should try to avoid being subjective. You cannot be judge and defendant at the same time and your mood swings bear witness to this.

On the negative side, no.2 begets shyness which is often excessive, a lack of drive, inactivity and emotional blackmail. This influence makes you more inclined to bend to the will of others.

No. 2 can also relate to missed opportunities because of a failure to take action and assert yourself. This number indicates a certain slowness and very often hesitation, not to mention a tendency to be weepy and tearful. Unlike no.1, predictions for no. 2 do not take long to materialise.

Positive points:

Spirit of cooperation
sense of sharing

Negative points:

Tendency to hesitate and wait-and-see

Meaning of the dice 6

No. 6 is about love, harmony, inner tranquillity, peaceful relationships and serenity. It reflects moments of perfect happiness with your other half, within a group or your family. It can lead to birth, marriage or the desire to have children. This is the number of tenderness above all others, with loving exchanges and closeness.

On the negative side, no.6 can bring family troubles, sorrow, disappointment, low self-esteem or painful betrayals. No. 6 is also associated with concerns going back to childhood and problems with loneliness.

The emotions prevail over all other considerations under this influence and provide the momentum in other areas.

This figure encourages you to ask for help and not withdraw into yourself. Its predictions are valid for a short time and will take place in several stages.

Positive points:

Emotional intelligence

Negative points:

Risk of emotional dependency

Go for it!

You will receive your accolade and it will be time to harvest your gains. You will finally be able to reap the fruits of your past labours. Good fortune will be in abundance and will even be decisive for your future in some cases. Don’t complicate things by spreading yourself too thin. This will be the only pitfall to avoid with these vibrations.

If you are in a relationship, your partner could ultimately give way to some of your demands. This will give you enormous pleasure and push your relationship on to a higher dimension. If you are single, someone could also yield to your advances, giving you great pleasure in this enjoyable victory, which will come at a price. Your sense of values is going to undergo a profound transformation. You will instinctively revise your certainties about your intimate relationships, as they will no longer provide you with enough security. You are going to demonstrate a side of yourself which has been hidden up till now, so that you can reconsider your values and bring them in line with reality.

At work, the battle is over! Your merits will finally be recognised and you will be offered the place or position you have coveted for quite some time. This will be wonderfully motivating. Your working life is going to undergo a stroke of good fortune, which will give you complete latitude for anything to do with recognition of your talents. Transactions will be favoured within the framework of your job, culminating in some very interesting achievements and enriching contacts. Work hard at making yourself understood. Your personal magnetism will help you here and earn you the necessary alliances for succeeding in your projects.

If you are thinking of someone in particular, this person will finally appear ready to become closer to you or give you what you want, or even respond favourably to one of your demands. Go for it!

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