Dice of Destiny

Analysis of your draw

You have drawn 3, 5 and 4. These numbers, individually and collectively, hold the key to your destiny.

In fact, they are going to reveal the intertwining aspects of your circumstances and help you make the right decisions in the light of the information you are given.

Now discover the message you receive when you roll the dice , each one separately first of all and then all 3 together:

Your 3 dice , your destiny

Meaning of the dice 3

No. 3 is primarily the number of communication, speech, enjoyment and entertainment. It brings joy, opportunities, love and pleasure and is even associated with seduction and love games. It indicates opportunities to be seized at once, and helps to improvise and keep things simple.

This number can also be synonymous with short journeys, moving house or unexpected news. Making contact is also made easy in all respects.

On the negative side, no.3 is related to excess, greed, superficiality, debauchery and secret relationships. It is also associated with loss, theft and misadventure.

This number acts rapidly and often in an unexpected and sudden manner. According to tradition, the adversities of fate but also strokes of luck are expressed by number 3. On a higher level, this is a vibration which opens up the doors to fraternity.

Positive points:

Sociable nature
sense of humour

Negative points:


Meaning of the dice 5

No. 5 involves love, feelings and passion, but also children, happiness, outings and enjoyment. It can bring travel, transformation, great change and outstanding opportunities in your career, as well as new encounters in your love-life.

This is generally a positive number, though it does also have its small minus-points. No.5 is in fact associated with deception, inconsistency and unhealthy relationships, as well as money concerns, difficult relationships, unforeseen events in everyday life and minor injuries. However, this influence also favours creative flair and the ability to bounce back, even in the most awkward and difficult of situations.

However, this influence also favours creative flair and the ability to bounce back, even in the most awkward and difficult of situations.

This is a very potent influence, which brings ultra-rapid predictions and these are not always easy to handle calmly or sensibly. At the end of the day, it can lead to some wonderful surprises and breathtaking turns in your destiny.

Positive points:


Negative points:

lack of realism

Meaning of the dice 4

No.4 is synonymous with hard work, effort, moral rectitude, work carried out to a high standard and consistency. In love, it is associated with fidelity, sincere emotions and selflessness. It can also represent the family, departures and property deals.

This number controls health and psychological well-being, but also food, sport and healthy lifestyles. No.4 offers good advice and generally brings balance and common-sense. This vibration enables greater stability in life and self-confidence in every situation.

On the negative side, no. 4 can induce an over-serious outlook, austerity, coldness of heart or unhappiness in love, even separation. With this number, you will take your time to set things up and they will take a long time to materialise.

With no. 4, you need to learn to be patient and not inclined to rush things. 4 can also indicate anger, resentment or vengeance: remember this!

Positive points:

a sense of duty

Negative points:

Lack of imagination
too rigid

Be on your guard!

There is a risk of disruption, with this rather difficult combination. It could be a case of a secret being unveiled, or someone betraying you, or you yourself learning something that will derail you. You will have more responsibilities to assume, which could lead to nervous tension, which you won’t be prepared for.

The sudden events you’re going to encounter will try your nerves sorely. You will be going through a stage of developing patience at the same time as you become more able to adapt to things rapidly. Your tendency to underestimate yourself could turn into a negative, if you don’t try to face your anxieties, and in this case, it would be external circumstances restricting your free will.

At work, someone will be pulling the strings from the shadows to discredit you and this will rapidly cause you stress or place you in a situation of tension. Considerable disappointment could be on the agenda in your love-life, or the revelation of a secret could light the blue touch-paper, marking the end of a well established relationship.

Your love-life doesn’t look as if it will give you complete fulfilment. You can expect a period of review in this area of your life. This will put you at risk of losing your self-confidence and doubting your powers of attraction. Don’t take any hasty decisions if your partner tries to push you in this respect. You will need to take a step back to make sure you don’t regret things later.

If you yourself have things to reproach yourself for, be discreet and stay on your guard. You have been warned.

If you are thinking of anyone in particular, stay on your guard. Either this person won’t be taken in by your lies, or you will be dealing with someone who will let you down ... Better to be safe than sorry.

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