Dice of Destiny

Analysis of your draw

Fortune has spoken through 3, 5 and 6
Each dice evokes an atmosphere, an event, or a state of mind, and each one is referring to an aspect of your life and focusing on the questions you are asking. The answer is in the roll of the dice itself and will be described in the conclusion.

This is therefore a picture of your current situation, dice by dice , and an answer to your questions in the final conclusion, forming an interpretation based on your roll of the dice

Your 3 dice , your destiny

Meaning of the dice 3

No. 3 is primarily the number of communication, speech, enjoyment and entertainment. It brings joy, opportunities, love and pleasure and is even associated with seduction and love games. It indicates opportunities to be seized at once, and helps to improvise and keep things simple.

This number can also be synonymous with short journeys, moving house or unexpected news. Making contact is also made easy in all respects.

On the negative side, no.3 is related to excess, greed, superficiality, debauchery and secret relationships. It is also associated with loss, theft and misadventure.

This number acts rapidly and often in an unexpected and sudden manner. According to tradition, the adversities of fate but also strokes of luck are expressed by number 3. On a higher level, this is a vibration which opens up the doors to fraternity.

Positive points:

Sociable nature
sense of humour

Negative points:


Meaning of the dice 5

No. 5 involves love, feelings and passion, but also children, happiness, outings and enjoyment. It can bring travel, transformation, great change and outstanding opportunities in your career, as well as new encounters in your love-life.

This is generally a positive number, though it does also have its small minus-points. No.5 is in fact associated with deception, inconsistency and unhealthy relationships, as well as money concerns, difficult relationships, unforeseen events in everyday life and minor injuries. However, this influence also favours creative flair and the ability to bounce back, even in the most awkward and difficult of situations.

However, this influence also favours creative flair and the ability to bounce back, even in the most awkward and difficult of situations.

This is a very potent influence, which brings ultra-rapid predictions and these are not always easy to handle calmly or sensibly. At the end of the day, it can lead to some wonderful surprises and breathtaking turns in your destiny.

Positive points:


Negative points:

lack of realism

Meaning of the dice 6

No. 6 is about love, harmony, inner tranquillity, peaceful relationships and serenity. It reflects moments of perfect happiness with your other half, within a group or your family. It can lead to birth, marriage or the desire to have children. This is the number of tenderness above all others, with loving exchanges and closeness.

On the negative side, no.6 can bring family troubles, sorrow, disappointment, low self-esteem or painful betrayals. No. 6 is also associated with concerns going back to childhood and problems with loneliness.

The emotions prevail over all other considerations under this influence and provide the momentum in other areas.

This figure encourages you to ask for help and not withdraw into yourself. Its predictions are valid for a short time and will take place in several stages.

Positive points:

Emotional intelligence

Negative points:

Risk of emotional dependency

Temper your enthusiasm!

With this combination of numbers, you could be in need of a change over the next few days, but you will have a tendency to talk about it rather than take real action! This is a period more inclined towards fundamental evaluation than taking hard action. You’re going to feel the need to look deeply into things before you carry them out effectively in all areas.

If you are in a relationship, you will threaten to leave your other half, if he/she doesn’t behave as you would like, but this will only be words and he/she will know this very well! You will need to refine your strategies and be more subtle in your exchanges to achieve your aims more smoothly. If you are single, you will have a tendency to annoy someone who doesn’t pay you enough attention and this won’t achieve anything, quite the reverse. Too many demands will kill off anything which could bring you satisfaction.

Your financial life is going to go through a quiet period of withdrawal and reflection about the action to be taken. You will feel more inclined to get to the bottom of things, without losing sight of your expected outcomes, and you will have the right instincts for seizing the opportunities which would serve your goals. Your own doubts about your own worth will seem unnecessary, as you quite simply achieve your goals and assert yourself more.

On the work front, you are going to want to leave your current job, but changing jobs will cause you much anxiety and as a result, this will simply be a dream and a lot of hot air. It will be an ideal time, however, to plan your future in the light of your evaluations and the advice around you. Make the most of these influences to gather information and reflect on the direction of your career and its potential development, review your assets and see what is still missing...

If you are thinking of anyone in particular, be careful you aren’t lulled into a false sense of security by his/her promises. This person won’t be sincere at all in his/her commitment, with his/her pretty words.

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