Dice of Destiny

Analysis of your draw

The chips are down, you have thrown 6, 6 and 5
dice by dice , you are going to find out the meaning of each number, which will reveal a variety of aspects of your current circumstances and your state of mind. The conclusion will take account of the roll of the dice as a whole, with an interpretation of the particular combination you have thrown.

Don’t wait to find out about what destiny has in store for you, or the answers it will give you and the advice it has to offer.

Your 3 dice , your destiny

Meaning of the doublet of the dice 6

No. 6 is about love, harmony, inner tranquillity, peaceful relationships and serenity. It reflects moments of perfect happiness with your other half, within a group or your family. It can lead to birth, marriage or the desire to have children. This is the number of tenderness above all others, with loving exchanges and closeness.

On the negative side, no.6 can bring family troubles, sorrow, disappointment, low self-esteem or painful betrayals. No. 6 is also associated with concerns going back to childhood and problems with loneliness.

The emotions prevail over all other considerations under this influence and provide the momentum in other areas.

This figure encourages you to ask for help and not withdraw into yourself. Its predictions are valid for a short time and will take place in several stages.

Positive points:

Emotional intelligence

Negative points:

Risk of emotional dependency

Meaning of the dice 5

No. 5 involves love, feelings and passion, but also children, happiness, outings and enjoyment. It can bring travel, transformation, great change and outstanding opportunities in your career, as well as new encounters in your love-life.

This is generally a positive number, though it does also have its small minus-points. No.5 is in fact associated with deception, inconsistency and unhealthy relationships, as well as money concerns, difficult relationships, unforeseen events in everyday life and minor injuries. However, this influence also favours creative flair and the ability to bounce back, even in the most awkward and difficult of situations.

However, this influence also favours creative flair and the ability to bounce back, even in the most awkward and difficult of situations.

This is a very potent influence, which brings ultra-rapid predictions and these are not always easy to handle calmly or sensibly. At the end of the day, it can lead to some wonderful surprises and breathtaking turns in your destiny.

Positive points:


Negative points:

lack of realism

Beautiful blue skies on the horizon!

It will be your love-life and family affairs which should move forward favourably under the influence of this charming combination! You’re certainly going to need to look at your life from a new angle, but this will enable you to look to the future with enthusiasm.

If you are in a relationship, it could be a question of starting afresh on a new basis. If you are single, a plan to move in with a person who already has children could be up for consideration. This period will enhance your powers of attraction and it will be a good time to devote yourself fully to what is essential. Reminiscing over the past will help you in this respect. You will have the energy to overturn obstacles, so make the most of this.

On the work front, a family business could be set up and prosper very rapidly. You will be stronger together. Your strengths are likely to find the recognition they deserve and it will be an ideal moment to push yourself forward and launch into a large-scale project for the long term. You will feel, your energy levels increasing, backed up by constructive optimism, which should make you more pragmatic in your reasoning.

If you are thinking of anyone in particular, you should know that this person is about to introduce you to his/her family, or people close to his/her heart, bringing you further into his/her life and intimacy. Exchanges with him/her and togetherness will soon be part of your relationship!

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